J Badger Consulting Inc, UPMC, Allegheny Health Network, Highmark, My Black Rose, the Suicide Prevention Alliance, and Prevent Suicide PA have come together to address the men’s mental health crisis in the western PA region. This collaboration is the first of its kind, bringing together professionals, providers and area insurers to address stigma, service accessibility, and reduce the male suicide rate.
In response to the crisis of men’s mental health. the MENtal Health project seeks to establish a coordinated effort that aligns with the 2020 Pennsylvania Statewide Suicide Prevention Plan (PA SSPP) and Behavioral Health Commission, October Recommendations to the Pennsylvania General Assembly (October 2022 SPECIAL REPORT).
Vision Statement of the Commission
1) Help reduce the stigma around men’s mental health,
2) Introduce innovative strategies/programs/advocacy/outreach to men who can be helped through these innovations and meeting them where they are.
MENtal Health Barriers
Suicide is among the ten leading causes of death for Americans age 10-64. According to the CDC, in 2020 12.2 million adults considered suicide, 3.2 million made a plan, 1.2 million made an attempt, and 48,183 died by suicide (equaling 1 death every 10.9 minutes). Of those suicides, individuals that identify as male accounted for 79%.